Friday, February 24, 2012


Many of us are familiar with anabolic steroids

read or hear about them in the media. They are the

drug, based on the male hormone testosterone, which is responsible >> << men characteristics such as muscle mass, increase endurance and

ability to recover quickly after exercise. This makes it very popular among athletes and bodybuilders

. Anabolic steroids are usually taken orally or

injection, although there is a version, the gel can be rubbed on the skin

. What

anabolic steroids? These synthetic drugs manufactured in laboratories >> << that contain the same features male hormone testosterone >>. << In other words, they are artificial versions

hormone that naturally occurs in the body. Testosterone is a hormone that

responsible for the growth of facial hair, low voice, physical growth and development of muscle >> << men. Women also have this hormone, but only in small quantities. Anabolic steroids are used for

treatment of anemia, delayed puberty and muscle conditions, but their use

limited. But they have much more use in the bodybuilding community >>. They are available << only by prescription >> << but people can get their illegal bodybuilding gyms or

Internet. How do anabolic steroids look like? Tablets and capsules:

or solution that can be entered. How are they used? They take by mouth (tablets, capsules)

or injection. There is also a gel or cream that you rub into your skin

. Many people who take steroids are used >> << regulated system, they claim that it tested way to do so

. They argue that it enhances the action of these drugs, but also reduces the risk of damage

body. Conclusion: using more than one type

steroids. Mix together oral and injectable forms enlarge

running. Pyramids: start with >> << low dose and gradually increasing it for six or twelve week cycle >>. << The idea is to get the body to gradually get used to the

high dosage. Cycling: on off

process in which agents take over a certain period of time, stopped and then restarted

. This is so that hormone levels to return to normal >> << free from drugs in phase. What is his street name? Anabolic steroids or call

their trade names, e. by Dyanabol gearor or steroids. They are used by bodybuilders, athletes

and other athletes who see them as a means of strengthening muscles and

improve their performance in competition. There are also people who use th

despite not having a sports background, so that they would like to build

muscles as a means of self-defense. These include nightclub bouncers and security guards

. There was recently >> << emergence of a condition called Athletica nervosawhich seeks to influence

teenagers and young men. This condition is characterized by >> << obsession with body image and extreme workouts to achieve perfection. This may include the use of anabolic steroids as a means to an ideal physical >>. << This is more a problem for young men >> << but anabolic steroids taken by both women, for example, a woman >> << bodybuilders and athletes. But a group of women furosemide who use >> << testosterone for reasons that have nothing to do with muscles or sports results. These women use steroids to become

more confident, assertive (or aggressive) and mainly as a means of >> << runs forward in the workplace. They see it as a necessary way

get to the top in a male world dominated. How much do anabolic steroids cost? Prices for the same dependent

in place. As a general rule you can pay S20 for 100 tablets. What are the effects of anabolic steroids >> <<? Athletes and bodybuilders say

taken in combination with high protein and rigorous training, steroids

enable them to build more muscle. They also claim that they

give them the opportunity to train with more intensity and recover faster after exercise

. Other effects include:

High doses of steroids may lead to

aggression, outbursts of violence (known as thyroid rage), delusions and paranoia >> << Other effects include nausea, stomach irritation and fluid

. storage. Is it easy to become dependent on

anabolic steroids? You can become dependent >> << that you do not want to lose the changes in body composition

or the ability to train and recover quickly.retinoic acid emphysema It seems that this is more the case that users

not want to lose benefitsof steroids -

increase muscle mass, etc., rather than any physical / mental addiction. But there is an exit symptoms related

on steroids, which include mood swings, depression, insomnia and fatigue. This causes the user to take more steroids. What are the risks of anabolic steroids? Steroids can cause long term damage >> << to your health, and in some cases it can lead to death. Is

side effects of steroids, which disappear when someone stops with

them, but there are other effects that are permanent. The risk of infection, damage

veins and ulcers of the total needles. Withered testicles, breasts

development (gynecomastia), problems with erection and risk of prostate cancer

cancer in men. Reduced sex drive and reduced production of sperm. Masculinization in

women include thickening skin, growth of facial hair, deeper voice,

prominent jaw, menstrual irregularities, small breasts and >> << enlarged clitoris. People who take steroids, that

they are prone to aggressive behavior and violence, even if

before taking steroids, they were peaceful and humble, well-educated. This can happen

, in both sexes and is known as thyroid rage. What is important to bear in mind

that not all these effects are reversible if after they stop taking steroids

, In many cases, their status will return to pre-state >> << steroids and other effects will remain with them for life. Anabolic steroids are Class C

. drug. This means that they are legitimate, if intended for veterinary or medical use

but not if they received money for the supply of others. .

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