Friday, February 24, 2012

Even if the symptoms of osteoporosis is usually ...

Symptoms of osteoporosis in young women's disease, osteoporosis, causes loss of bone material and make bone in the body is weak and thin. Even if the symptoms of osteoporosis usually occur after menopause, osteoporosis symptoms in young women, were also found, especially in thin, athletic women. This is lasix furosemide due to lower estrogen levels, which is necessary for the reabsorption of bone minerals. You have to know that these symptoms to be able to diagnose it early. First symptoms of osteoporosis fractures in young women. X-ray can detect the disease in 30% of bone density was lost, and it is too late. Thus, if a young woman gets a spontaneous fracture from a simple fall or other impact, it may be a sign of osteoporosis.

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Osteoporosis can be so strong that cracks can occur even when coughing, sneezing and even moving in an awkward way. This is extremely losing bone density. Another symptom is pain in the upper or lower back. Although back pain is common and can be a symptom of many things, it can also mean osteoporosis. If a young woman experiencing significant pain along the spine, it should immediately consult a doctor or even a specialist in orthopedics. Inexplicable pain in the joints is another sign of early osteoporosis, and in severe cases it becomes impossible to move certain joints. While this may be due to other causes (eg physical activity), keep in mind that this may be a sign of osteoporosis. Losing height or growth defects can occur as a symptom. Many young women who suffer from early osteoporosis if not growing as fast as their peers and perhaps even if an adult, lose part of their growth. It could also lead to spinal deformity and even humpback species at later stages of the disease. Another symptom of osteoporosis in young women is often the inability to stand or sit straight. This may be due to pain or even discomfort in the bones during the campaign. It is unnatural for a young woman walking with a stoop, and thus, when it occurs, it should be tested for disease. When it comes to young women, early symptoms may include cramps in legs at night, brittle nails, and neck pain and discomfort in the neck. This pain is usually sudden and have nothing to do with the previous injury. Other pain and abdominal pain and chest pain for no reason. If the disease is detected and early treatment, more serious symptoms arise, for example, loss of teeth and more fractures. The bones may begin to break and deformation of the spine may begin to occur, such as the outside curve at the top of the spine. Thus, it is vital to know the symptoms of osteoporosis in young women and to treat it once it is detected. .

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