Friday, February 24, 2012

For example, 3 sessions of 10 minutes each ...

Bones living tissue that responds to exercise by becoming stronger. You know that your muscles become bigger and stronger when you use them. The bones are similar. They become stronger and denser when you make them work. And BЂњworkBЂ "on the bones means handling impact, your body weight or greater resistance. Now we know most two types of exercises that are essential lasix drug side effects to build and maintain bone density. This load-bearing and muscle strengthening exercises:

Those exercises include activities that will make you move against gravity while staying upright. Weight bearing exercise can be high-impact and low impact.

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Shock bearing exercise helps build bones and keep them strong. If you have broken bones due to osteoporosis or are at risk for fracture, you may want to avoid high-impact exercise. People who are fragile and easily subject should also avoid high-impact exercise. If youBЂ ™ are unsure you should check with your doctor. Some examples of impact resistant bearing exercises:

low-impact weight-bearing exercise also helps keep bones strong and safe for people who can not do high impact exercise. If you canBЂ ™ t do shockproof bearing activity, try to lower the influence of them. Some examples of low-impact weight-bearing exercise: >> << These exercises include activities in which you move your body weight or other resistance to gravity. They are also known as resistance exercise. Functional movements such as standing and climbing up socks

Yoga and Pilates can also improve strength, balance and flexibility. However, some positions may not be safe for people with osteoporosis or those at increased risk of fractures. For example, exercises that you lean forward can increase the likelihood of fracture in the spine. Physiotherapist must be able to help you learn which exercises are safe and suitable for you. Non-impact exercises can help you to improve balance, posture, and how well you are moving in every day activities. These exercises also help increase muscle strength and reduces the risk of falls and fractures. Some of these exercises include:

balance exercises. Exercises to strengthen legs and check your balance, such as tai chi can reduce the risk of falling. Posture exercises. Exercises that improve posture and reduce rounded or BЂњslopingBЂ 'shoulders will help you reduce the chance of fracture, particularly in the spine. Functional exercises. Exercises that improve how well you move can help you in daily activities and reduce the likelihood of falling and fracture. For example, if you have trouble getting up from a chair or climbing stairs, you have to do these activities as exercises (try standing up and sitting down repeatedly until you get tired). Physiotherapist can teach you balance, posture and functional exercises. NOFBЂ ™ s publication

boning up on osteoporosis

offers step-by-step instructions and illustrations for posture exercises, hip and back strengthening exercises, balance exercises and functional exercises. Non-bearing, no impact exercise

This exercise can be part of a comprehensive exercise program, but do not get the bone. If you like this activity, try to add more exercises that are good for bone health. If you havenBЂ ™ t carried out regularly for some time, consult your doctor before starting a new exercise programBЂ ", especially if you have health problems such as heart disease, diabetes or high blood pressure. If youBЂ ™ re a high risk of fracture, you have to work with physical therapist to develop a safe exercise program. If you have a medical providerBЂ ™ s approval, start slowly. If youBЂ ™ Bi has broken bones in the spine due to osteoporosis, be very careful to avoid activities that require reaching down, bending forward, twisting movements of fast, hard and those that increase your chances of falling. How much exercise should I do? Weight bearing exercises should be performed in a total of 30 minutes most days a week. Aim for 30 minutes at a time or break it during the day. For example, 3 sessions of 10 minutes each will provide the same benefits to your bones as a 30-minute session. If you canBЂ ™ t corresponds to 10 minutes, spread the influence of exercise during the day, taking the stairs or parking farther away from the store or work. Muscles, strengthening exercises should be done two or three days a week. Try one exercise for each major muscle groups for a total of 12.8 different exercises. Some of the major muscle groups include:

Try one or two sets of 8 to 10 repetitions of each exercise. For example, if you lift the weight 10 times in a row and then stop, you have completed one set of 10 repetitions. You should rest for about 30 seconds to one minute between each set. If you canBЂ ™ t in a row 8 reps, the weight is too heavy or too much resistance. If you can do over 10 reps in a row, you can increase the weight or resistance. If you have osteoporosis, or brittle, you can make from 10 to 15 repetitions of light weights to avoid injury. If you donBЂ ™ t much time for strengthening / resistance training, do a small amount at a time. You can only do one body part every day. For example, to make weapons in one day, legs and torso following the next. You can also extend these exercises over a typical day. Balance, posture and functional exercises you can do every day. You can focus on one area more than others. If you fall or lose balance, spend time doing balance exercises. If you get a rounded shoulder, more work on posture exercises. If you have trouble climbing stairs or getting up off the couch and make more functional exercises. You can also do these exercises at one time or spread them throughout the day. To get started, muscles may feel sore for a day or two after you exercise. If the pain lasts longer you work too hard and need to loosen. Exercises should be done smoothly in amplitude of movement. NOTE: If you have fragile bones were broken, often fall and have osteoporosis you should be careful. Some movements such as twisting of the spine, high impact aerobics or bending from the waist may be harmful. NOF recommends that before beginning any exercise program, you should talk with your doctor or other health care provider about the risk of fracture. .

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